Better Life Coaching
Karen Morley 02380 812758

Karen’s NLP techniques helped me deal with a very challenging situation at work. They were so effective that I still use them whenever other stressful situations arise, and I can relax in the knowledge that I will always have those skills at my disposal. Karen’s support and expertise has been priceless.
Charlotte, Southampton
Thanks to you I have come a long long way from when I first saw you. I am now so much better able to cope and I deal with situations in a much improved and more positive manner.
Karen has made a tremendous difference in my life. Running a charitable organisation by myself, Karen's support and advice has guided me through some testing times. Her encouragement and innate sense of understanding has been invaluable, and has given me more confidence in myself and my abilities. I would recommend Karen and her wide range of skills to anyone.
What is Mediation?
Mediation is a negotiation process in which the disputing parties are assisted by a neutral third-party—a mediator.
There are many ways people deal with conflict:
Give in and accept the changes someone wants
Do nothing; hoping the problem will go away
Avoid the person or the situation
Pretend the problem does not bother you when it really does
Go to a higher authority
Go to court or arbitration
Fight and argue
Talk things out with the other person (in private or with a mediator)
If the parties concerned have tried to talk to each other to resolve their issues
with no success then using a medaitor to work with them to facilitate their meeting may enable them to reach agreements.
I offer mediation to help with:
Improving communications - everyone being heard in a protected environment with help to get their message across clearly and unambiguously
Aiding understanding of each other so overcomimg misinterpretations
Helping with interpersonal skills - life skills needed to communicate and interact with others
Developing a set of ideas for how the interests and needs of both sides can be met simultaneously
Helping you assess the relative merits of the different options and find agreement that works best to satisfy everyone’s interests
Assist in developing a co parenting plan
Help finding agreement relating to child contact and residency
My form of mediation can be used to overcome behavioural and emotional difficulties so enabling parties to work out practical solutions to their differences.
I can also work alongside legal mediators so we can address the interpersonal areas leaving the legal mediator to deal with the legalities.
If you are approaching or already going through mediation for legal purposes but are struggling to talk together, or one or both of you gets upset or feels unable to respond please consider my help in a co-mediation form. I can talk to your mediator on your behalf or you can speak to them directly asking them to contact me.
Please contact me on 023 8081 2758 or email