Better Life Coaching
Karen Morley 02380 812758

If you are looking for someone professional, caring, understanding and non judgmental to help you make some changes in your life then Karen is that person. She has the ability to put you at ease and has an extremely calming and positive effect from the very first meeting. Karen has helped me get my life back on track and shown me ways to deal with a problem that was overwhelming me. We dealt with my issues, finding some others along the way, that were in fact all linked, and through exercises, hypnotherapy and talking were able to put them in perspective and find a way to deal with them immediately and long term through ongoing techniques.
Best wishes
I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all your support, guidance and wise thoughts that you have shared with me at this difficult time in my life. You have given me so much confidence in myself and given me back some self-esteem that I was missing badly! By talking to you it helped me to clarify many issues and make priorities to be able to move forward in a constructive and meaningful way. Even if I knew the answer, you were excellent in facilitating my ideas and to empower me to move forward, enabling me to make the right decisions for me at that time.You were one of the best recommendations that I have had and I will never lose your number! I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me.Best wishes and a big hug!
I would like to say one big thank you for all your help and support. I know now that all the difficult times I’ve had were for a reason and you have been there to help me understand that. I am grateful for the ways you have shown me how to accept my situation and make changes that have been good for me.
Janet B
What is hypnotherapy and hypnosis?
The conscious and unconscious minds have different functions. Our conscious mind helps with our daily decision-making processes working according to the reality principle. It is intelligent, realistic, logical and proactive, especially in new situations where we have to apply rational thought processes to work out what to do and how to do it.
However, it can only deal with between five and nine things at any one time and is easily overloaded.
The unconscious works on ‘auto pilot’ i.e. reacting according to the pleasure principle in that it seeks to avoid pain and obtain pleasure and survival, regardless of external considerations. It is concerned with our emotions, imagination, and memories as well as our autonomic nervous system that controls our internal organs.
These four main functions are very closely interlinked - in other words the mind affects the body and the body affects the mind. It is powerful and very clever at dealing with many complex instructions at any one time but it reacts, not thinks.
The hypnotherapist makes it possible to bypass the conscious to the unconscious where it is possible to alter unwanted learned behaviour patterns and reactions simply and effectively, fixing problems in hours and minutes rather than struggling for maybe days, weeks or years.
How does hypnotherapy and hypnosis work?
Hypnosis takes place in a state of intense relaxation and concentration so the mind becomes detached from everyday cares and concerns. In this relaxed state the subconscious part of the mind is able to respond to suggestion and imagery.
It can focus on the things you wish to change and on the best ways to do so, free from unwanted thoughts.
During hypnosis you are not asleep or unconscious. You are in an altered state of consciousness where you can make things happen rather than trying to use your conscious mind. Because you are deeply relaxed, the suggestions given to you by the hypnotherapist can be acted upon more easily.
“I can’t do this, however hard I try...”
“There’s no point in trying to change things, it just won’t work...”
Do you have thoughts like these? Negative self-suggestions are very powerful. They can also be harmful, causing all manner of ailments, but thankfully, help is available.
As a qualified hypnotherapist, Karen can harness the power of suggestion to relieve unwanted behaviour patterns.
What is Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapy?
Milton Erickson was one of the most influential hypnotists of the 20th century. Erickson developed a radically different approach to hypnotism. He made use of a more informal conversational approach with many clients and complex language patterns, and therapeutic strategies. Where classical hypnosis is authoritative and direct, and often encounters resistance in the subject, Erickson's approach is permissive, accommodating and indirect. He taught the power of words and the affects they produce.
How can hypnosis and NLP help me?
Eliminate fears and phobias
Stop smoking, control weight and eating problems, stop alcohol dependence
Eliminate sleep problems
Control your response to pain in chronic conditions such as arthritis or back pain
End anxiety and panic attacks by managing stress and promoting relaxation
Master presentation skills and public speaking and improve your communication
Reduce stage fright, speech, lecture or interview nerves
Improve sports performance and achievement
Raise personal motivation and creativity, improving your insight and problem solving
Improve your quality of life with increased confidence and self esteem
Change negative feelings into positive behaviours.
Karen's Advanced Hypnotherapy Qualifications
I’m a GQHP Registered Hypnotherapist and Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapist (registered with the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council), and trained with Paul McKenna and EOS Seminars. I’m also a member of the NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners.
Hypnotherapy in Southampton, Hampshire
My hypnotherapy sessions are held in calm, comfortable and secure surroundings in Southampton and the New Forest.
I work with clients from Hampshire, Wiltshire, Dorset, The New Forest and and all along the M3 corridor. I also have clients from further afield who visit or who I work with by telephone, Skype, Facetime and email.
Please call Better Life Coaching on 023 8081 2758 or email:
and we can discuss how I can help you.