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Thank you very much for your help, the presentation went exactly as you described it would. I still have had nerves bit nothing really, it went perfectly and I got over everything I wanted to... it was awesome. The feeling when everyone clapped at the end was fantastic and the feedback from my colleagues has been brilliant, I truly believe I can do anything now!


I used the NLP for positive warm thoughts, controlled my breathing and focused on other people waiting to speak to control my nerves... it worked a treat. The most fantastic thing was not having negative thoughts/voices from my unconscious telling me to pull out or what could go wrong... all the bad stuff is gone forever thanks to you.



I first met Karen over a year ago and in that time she has coached me through a most turbulent and daunting time of starting my own business. I can honestly say that without the knowledge, support and expertise of Karen I would still be lacking self confidence in the dead end back office role I previously had.


Her strap line is “Helping you to where you want to go” which is very apt since when I first met her I had no idea where I was going let alone where I wanted to go. So many individuals and organsiations have little or no direction and this is where the skills of a coach come in handy.


I like to think of Karen as a business smoothie:

Put a measure of NLP

A glug of business acumen with coaching

And a quantity of mentoring

Blend it all up and the result is an experienced business coach who has helped countless individuals and businesses flourish.


Simon, Financial Director.

Executive/Business Coaching

Executive, Business and SME Coaching


Executive or Business Coaching helps career development, stress management and many other aspects of successful but busy professional lives. Why not improve your performance and leadership skills with our Business Coaching techniques?  Improve the team relationships in your business for improved success.


How can Business Coaching help me?


  • Turn your teams into high performing and highly motivated assets

  • Communicate with increased authority and confidence at all levels

  • Anticipate business problems proactively

  • Become an outstanding and inspirational leader

  • Develop planning and strategic skills

  • Learn how to network with ease and confidence

  • Improve business skills to think and act like a good manager and a leader

  • Help managers to respond well to corporate and economic change

  • Remove psychological barriers to performance and growth, developing a dynamic mindset of positive performance and growth

  • Hit targets faster with improved, supported goal setting

  • Use a Business Coach as a sounding board to make better decisions

  • Maximise your internal and external business relationships 

  • Achieve the balanced lifestyle you deserve, with reduced stress

  • Help to build and run a small business


SME Coaching 


Setting up or running your own business can be exciting and fulfilling, but also lonely and frustrating. You don't have the support that you would receive in a larger organisation. An SME Coach offers you that support, as well as an objective and experienced sounding board.


What is SME Coaching?


As a small business owner you know the challenge of managing 101 tasks at the same time, but whilst you are handling the day to day it’s hard to maintain a firm focus on where you are going. SME Coaching helps you concentrate on the key areas to take your business forward, giving you the opportunity to boost your income whilst ensuring that you maintain your quality of life.


Coaching sessions can be run in groups and on a one to one basis.


I work with clients from Hampshire, Wiltshire, Dorset, The New Forest and and all along the M3 corridor. I also have clients from further afield who visit or who I work with by telephone, Skype, Facetime and email.


Please call Better Life Coaching on 023 8081 2758 or email:


and we can discuss how I can help you.

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