Better Life Coaching
Karen Morley 02380 812758

Better Life Coaching
Welcome to Better Life Coaching, founded by Hampshire coach and family consultant Karen Morley who has been in full time practice for 29 years ensuring that Karen is one of the most experienced family consultants and coaches.
The areas Karen works within are:
Divorce, Separation and Parenting Plans -
working as part of a team offering more compassionate ways to resolve your disputes.

I help couples and their families through separation and divorce and out the other side.
The emotional and behavioural issues experienced in any form of relationship and family break up can be, not only devastating, but also a huge impediment to the success of any form of process that you choose or may be needed for resolving and going forward.
Addressing the emotional and behavioural aspects that arise in relationship break ups and break downs, will help to eliminate any obstacles that may block your way to a better outcome for you and your family.
There are three core areas to address in any relationship or family work – legal, financial and emotional.
I work alongside lawyers, legal mediators and financial advisers to ensure all aspects of your process are dealt with respectfully and effectively.
This team approach will bring you the best outcome for you and your family.

In my work I ensure the children of the family will always been considered first and foremost and their needs will be at the centre of any decisions to be made. Having a family consultant supporting you that has experience and knowledge of the most helpful ways will ensure your children are considered and helped through the process and beyond.
I have been working as a coach for 29 years and I am an associate member of Resolution, the professional body representing professionals involved in family disputes. I work alongside many family lawyers and I am also a founder member of the Hampshire Family Legal Solutions group.
A selection of reasons to include Karen in your meetings:
To create a safe and comfortable environment.
To manage the meetings to ensure everyone is heard and understands all that is said and done.
To aid communication between all parties.
To ensure that you are all coping. If there are any problems to help you in a break out room to develop coping skills and mechanisms.
To help you feel capable and comfortable with your decision making.
To oversee and promote positive behaviour to aid the process.
To support everyone on an emotional level.
To help create better co-parenting relationships for the best future for all the family.
To help build a parenting plan.

Please use the form below to contact me, or phone 02380 812758